Idrett bringer folk sammen. Folk som har en lidenskap for kajakk har et sterkt felleskap. Å ha Barry i klubben og som gjest hjemme i en uke var en stor glede. Barry øste generøst av sin kunnskap, delte av sin livsfilosofi. I Sør-Afrika står surfski som gren svært sterkt. De er dominerende i verden sammen med Australia. De har også en åpen holdning til å padle ulike grener og kombinerer gjerne surfski, maraton og sprint i løpet av en padlekarriere. Barry var også svært imponert over Oslo Kajakklubb. Se hans inntrykk her:
Vi hadde flere spørsmål til Barry.
-Why kayak? Why surfski?
«While Norway has a great tradition of Kayak sprint stars coming from OKK like Knut Holmann and Eirik Veraas Larsen, a K1 can be limiting on where you can paddle. A surfski is limitless and can be paddled in any water conditions with waves, wind and swell. This allows for more dynamic paddling and when the paddler is more experienced, the ultimate is “DOWNWIND” paddling.»
What does surfski give you?
«Surfski is a sit on top kayak which is designed to handle any water conditions. If you fall off, the boat is water tight and will not fill with water like a K1 or Sea Kayak. The paddler is able to remount and continue paddling with ease. This makes the surfski a much safer craft. The modern designs allow for great comfort, good flat water speed and impotently, amazing manoeuvrability in rough water. »
Why train/paddle in a club?
«OKK is a great place to paddle as it has a number of different training options for the paddlers in Oslo. The indoor facilities are amazing for the winter months in the cold and in the summer there are many paddling options. A paddler can choose to paddle int he protection of the cannel or round the island into unprotected rough water. A paddler can also choose different paddling craft from SUP, Canoe Polo, K1, Surfski and Sea kayaks, they are spoilt for choice.»
Why have South Africa such great surfski athletes?
«I think there is a long history of great marathon and surfski champions from South Africa. I think this is for 2 reasons, 1. There is a lot of racing. With many events paddlers can get the best practice in racing tactics and conditions. 2. High competition breads success. There are a lot of top athletes that push each other in the events to up the level on a weekly basis at the local events.»
Any advice on how to develop surfski in Norway?
«I think OKK is already doing a good job with starting a surfski section at the club. I think there needs to be more events to drive the interest in the sport. The more people see other racing, the more people will join in and develop the skill needed for the sport. The regular SeaDog taking place at OKK is a good start, but more people need to do these events on a regular basis. OKK did a good job of organising the national champs, the top athlete also need more events like this in open water to develop open water paddling skills. »
Best experience in a kayak?
«Downwind paddling is alway the best way to experience the sport of surfski. Any downwind in my favourite and my home town of Durban (Warm water and good swell) is my best place to paddle.»
(Se Barry padle i syklon surfski K2 med sin far)
Any advice on how to develop the club further?
» 1. Try encourage more people to star racing even if it is the short 4km lap style races. 2. Encourage competent paddlers to develop open ocean skill by paddling in downwind/rough water.»
Welcome back! You are our friend!
«I look forward to coming back soon!»
OKK har i de senere årene vært priviligert ved å ha besøk av storhetene Sean Rice, David Mocke, Matthew Bouman og nå Barry Lewin. Vi gleder oss til flere besøk i årene som kommer. Takk til Magnus Hamar i Bull Ski&Kajakk som sendt Epic Ambassadør Barry til meg!
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